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How are validator rewards calculated on Polygon network?
I'm trying to calculate the checkpoint rewards by address for a validator on the Polygon network. I see different reward numbers in the explorer for checkpoints, but I am puzzled by how these rewards are computed, especially when the validator is the checkpoint proposer. Can someone help clarify this for me?
- Polygon PoS
- Polygon zkEVM
3Validators on the Polygon network receive rewards for proposing checkpoints, signing checkpoints, and mining blocks. When a validator proposes a checkpoint, they receive a reward of which 10% is held by the validator and 90% is distributed among delegators. Additionally, each validator gets rewarded for signing checkpoints, and there are rewards for producing a block.
The numbers you see in the explorer display the validator reward for signing a particular checkpoint. When a validator proposes a checkpoint, the rewards shown in the explorer for that specific checkpoint include the increase. The remaining 90% of the rewards are then distributed to delegators.
Block mining rewards aren't accumulated in the owner's account; instead, they directly reflect in the signer's account. These are automatically transferred to the signer address without generating a transaction hash. You can see these rewards in the 'Produced Blocks' section for a signer address on platforms like Polygonscan.
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