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Dec 02, 2024
P&R expertos

Visualización de transacciones para los contratos B, C y D en el contrato A

¿Cómo se pueden mostrar las transacciones de los contratos B, C y D debajo de sus respectivas transacciones internas en el contrato A?

  • Polygon PoS
  • Smart Contract


Dec 4 2024, 16:04

To display transactions for contracts B, C, and D under their respective internal transactions in contract A on the Polygon network, you can follow a structured approach that includes fetching, decoding, and organizing transaction data. Below are the enhanced steps based on general practices in blockchain development:

Steps to Display Transactions

  1. Set Up Your Development Environment:

    • Ensure you have access to the Polygon network through a provider like Infura or Alchemy.
    • Use JavaScript libraries such as Web3.js or Ethers.js to facilitate interaction with the blockchain.
  2. Fetch Transactions:

    • You can retrieve transaction data related to contracts B, C, and D using APIs provided by services like Alchemy or directly querying the Polygon blockchain. For example, you can use the getPastEvents method if you're working with event logs.

    Example JavaScript Code:

    const contractB = new web3.eth.Contract(abiB, 'contractB_address');
    const eventsB = await contractB.getPastEvents('AllEvents', { fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest' });
  3. Decode Transaction Data:

    • Use the ABI of each contract to decode the input data of transactions. This is essential for understanding what each transaction does.

    Example Code Snippet:

    const decodedInput = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(['type1', 'type2'], tx.input);
  4. Group Transactions by Contract:

    • Organize the fetched transactions based on their respective contracts (B, C, D). This can be done using a simple data structure like an object or a map.
  5. Display Transactions in Contract A:

    • Create a user interface component that displays these transactions grouped by their respective contracts. You can use frameworks like React or Vue.js for building interactive UIs.

Example Implementation

Here’s an example of how you might implement this in JavaScript:

const contractAddresses = {
    B: '0xContractBAddress',
    C: '0xContractCAddress',
    D: '0xContractDAddress'

async function fetchAndDisplayTransactions() {
    const transactions = []; // Assume this is populated with fetched transactions
    const groupedTransactions = { B: [], C: [], D: [] };

    transactions.forEach(tx => {
        if (tx.to === contractAddresses.B) {
        } else if (tx.to === contractAddresses.C) {
        } else if (tx.to === contractAddresses.D) {

    console.log('Transactions for Contract B:', groupedTransactions.B);
    console.log('Transactions for Contract C:', groupedTransactions.C);
    console.log('Transactions for Contract D:', groupedTransactions.D);


By implementing these steps, you can effectively display transactions for contracts B, C, and D under their respective internal transactions in contract A on the Polygon network. This approach utilizes existing APIs and libraries to streamline data retrieval and presentation while ensuring clarity in your application’s user interface.

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