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Nov 22, 2024
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How to Add Polygon Amoy Testnet on MetaMask: A Guide

How can I add the Polygon Amoy Testnet to my MetaMask wallet?

  • Polygon PoS
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Nov 23 2024, 03:20

To add the Polygon Amoy Testnet to your MetaMask wallet, go to 'Add Custom Network' in MetaMask. Then fill in the network details provided on the Polygon blog: here.

Jan 28 2025, 10:52

I feel that the Polygon Amoy Testnet is the perfect testing ground for deploying smart contracts and experimenting with decentralized applications. Configuring your MetaMask wallet to connect with Amoy is simple, and you can be up and running in no time. This guide explains the process step by step while giving you insights into how you can contribute to the Polygon ecosystem.

Before you can start deploying on the Polygon Amoy Testnet, you’ll need to add it to your MetaMask wallet. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Open MetaMask:
    Launch the MetaMask browser extension or app, and ensure you’re logged in to your wallet.

  2. Access Network Settings:

    • Click the network dropdown at the top of MetaMask (it will display "Ethereum Mainnet" by default).
    • Select Add Network to open the network configuration page.
  3. Input Network Details:
    Use the following settings to configure the Amoy Testnet:

    • Network Name: Polygon Amoy Testnet
    • New RPC URL: https://rpc-amoy.polygon.technology/
    • Chain ID: 80002
    • Currency Symbol: MATIC
    • Block Explorer URL: https://amoy.polygonscan.com/
  4. Save the Network:
    After entering the details, click Save. MetaMask will now connect to the Polygon Amoy Testnet, and you’ll see the network listed in your wallet.

Then you’ll need some test MATIC tokens to begin testing transactions and smart contracts. These tokens are free and available from the Polygon faucet.

Visit faucet.polygon.technology and enter your wallet address to request test tokens. Ensure that Amoy is selected as the testnet. Tokens should appear in your wallet shortly after the request is processed.

Jan 28 2025, 11:01

Got it! Here's the revised version with a more discussion-focused intro:

Key Differences Between Polygon Amoy and Polygon Mumbai Testnets

If you’re working on Polygon and want to contribute to the discussion about the future of its testing environments, it’s important to understand the differences between the Amoy and Mumbai testnets. With Mumbai being phased out, Amoy has become the new standard for developers. Below, I’ve outlined the key distinctions between the two networks and why Amoy is now the go-to testnet for decentralized application (dApp) development.

1. Root Chain

The most fundamental difference lies in the root chain each testnet uses. Amoy is built on Ethereum’s Sepolia testnet, which ensures long-term viability. Mumbai, on the other hand, relies on Ethereum’s Goerli testnet, which is scheduled for deprecation. This shift to Sepolia future-proofs Amoy, making it a more sustainable choice for developers.

2. Longevity

Mumbai is reaching the end of its lifecycle, which directly impacts its reliability as a testing environment. In contrast, Amoy has been designed as a long-term solution for Polygon developers, offering a more stable and dependable testnet.

3. Performance Enhancements

Amoy offers faster transaction speeds and lower fees compared to Mumbai. These enhancements provide a smoother testing experience, especially for projects that involve high transaction volumes or require real-time interactions.

4. Scalability

The Amoy testnet significantly improves scalability over Mumbai. This enhanced scalability enables developers to test their applications under conditions that closely resemble real-world usage, which is critical for preparing dApps for production.

5. Compatibility

Amoy has full compatibility with the latest Polygon development tools, including the Verifier SDK and Wallet. These tools have been updated to work seamlessly with Amoy, while support for Mumbai's toolset is being discontinued.

6. Smart Contract Deployment

As of January 28, 2025, deploying smart contracts on Mumbai is no longer possible. Amoy, however, remains fully functional for contract deployment, making it the clear choice for developers who need a reliable testing environment.

7. Infrastructure Support

Major RPC providers have started phasing out support for the Mumbai testnet, which can lead to connectivity issues for developers still using it. Amoy, on the other hand, enjoys full infrastructure support, ensuring a stable and reliable environment for testing.

Why Amoy Is the Future of Polygon Development

With its superior scalability, improved performance, and long-term infrastructure support, the Polygon Amoy testnet is now the recommended platform for testing dApps and smart contracts. Developers can take advantage of its compatibility with updated tools and the sustainability of its Sepolia-based root chain.

For troubleshooting JSON-RPC errors or exploring deeper aspects of Polygon testnet development, check out this detailed guide.


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